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Attending Slovenia Foundry Congress 2023

Omega Sinto is looking forward year upon year to return to Slovenia
The Society of Foundries of Slovenia brings together foundries and other experts who are interested in foundry. It also enrolls interested companies and individuals from abroad. The primary objective is professional education by organising consultations, seminars, lectures, study trips, as well as publishing the central professional newsletter Livarski vestnik and the transmission of professional literature. It also publishes the Anthology of Lectures and Seminars.
Every year, up to 280 participants from a number of European countries, as well as the rest of the world attend the traditional IFC - International Foundry Consultation in Portorož. The consultation is a fabntastic opportunity for international interaction between of scientists and experts, brought together by the foundry profession.
Omega Sinto attends and supports the event year upon year. Sam Garner, Sales Manager of Omega Sinto is representing the company and in 2023.
Follow our social media accounts for live updates https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7107635413976014848 

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